Dare to Dream


The interpretation of dreams is an impressive psychological feat. In the Bible, Joseph was known as a dreamer. God gave him the talent to interpret dreams. These interpretations saved the lives of his family, his fellow inmate in jail and more importantly the great Egyptian civilization. In the quest to interpret dreams, persons seek out close family members or friends. Some may even consult the internet! Yet there is a measure of care which must be appropriated when embarking on this search. 

Great care must be exercised with whom you share your dreams. Some may believe that you are testing society’s psychologically acceptable boundaries. Some may laugh or toss your dreams aside. Share your dreams appropriately and carefully. In disseminating the dream certain questions must be asked. Is it a recurring dream? Is it a healing or a prophetic dream? What types of feelings did you experience in the dream? Where did it take place? Who were the characters in the dream? Once you have asked these questions take some time to reflect on the meaning of the dream.Dreams can be controlled. The dreamer has the power to turn a nightmare into a good dream by placing positive thoughts into the subconscious.


Another type of dream is associated with hope. These are beautiful dreams. If there is a circumstance which needs improvement, dream about an improved situation. Make your dreams as big as they possibly can be. Let them fill the recesses of your mind. The dream is connected with the thought process. The process begins with the thought then the action is done and this makes a difference in the current situation. Begin with commitment. Commitment provides the opportunity to plan out the fulfillment of the dream. After commitment comes the follow-through. The plan must be implemented. The action is not complete without dedication. In dedication the plan is implemented as many times necessary to achieve the desired result. Finally after dedication comes knowledge. Knowledge is a wonderful space to occupy. For knowledge accompanies the achievement of your big dream.

Never stop dreaming. For huge achievements in life started with that one dream in mind. Dare to dream. 



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